Katarina is a visual artist primarily focused on the medium of painting and combined photographic collage.

Born (1998) in the United Kingdom. Graduated from the Royal Academy of art, Den Haag with a BA in Fine Arts (2022) Based in the UK and Netherlands.


My works revolve around the exploration of amorphic landscapes and scenarios which delve into themes of figuration, phantasmagoria, the interconnectedness of nature and the relations within our bizarre yet beautiful existence. Through the use of collage and painting the mediums begin to morph, merge and separate into one another; perception is blurred and the mind begins to wander.

I am intrigued by the element of chance which is prevalent within the process of painting. The central element of chance is taking one thing out of context and placing it into another context, showing how meaning is fixed to a site and how meaning is shifted when the location is changed. The result is free association: what does the subject mean in its new place? For me, the use of chance and free association is an important part of my process. I work with small pieces of most usually ambiguous segments of collage which hold visual information in which I expand the painting from. These pieces of collage act as a seed within my work, allowing a boundless and therapeutic approach of expansion and morphism within the painting process. I work with imitation and repetition of colours, textures and patterns whilst also using the paint to create visuals that explore the possibilities of an alternate existence beyond the photographic constraints.

The possibilities of exploring organic forms and existences is seemingly never ending, the living world is undeniably complex and the vast majority is still unknown to most of us. This provokes possibilities of creating strange worlds, those hanging onto reality by the thinnest of threads; biomorphic forms allowing one to play with ideas of fantasy and fiction, configurations of complex matter which question our understanding of our own living reality and this natural world which can be so seemingly alien. I thoroughly enjoy using paint in the exploration of surfaces- from fleshy figurative matter morphing into textural earth born material embrace the unpredictable possibilities of an internal gaze; reflected by a process that embraces chance, error, and vulnerability whilst exploring the interconnectivity of structure and identity to our physical surrounding.

An initial stain may guide its way to one form, yet once it begins to invoke this form, the direction is changed and a new form becomes intertwined, expanded, extended and decontextualised until the matter is indistinguishable. There are many possibilities to be found in the painting itself as new pathways and possibilities evolve. 

Through miscellaneous compositions and delving into a more automatic approach to painting, I have been searching for this quality within my paintings in which the viewer, myself included, experiences a sense of obscurity; the wandering of our associative minds is to be left at an open end.



Colliding Realms

CSLAB, Zokei University, Tokyo, Japan

3rd - 5th July 2024

Limburg Biënnale 2024

Marres, Maastricht, NL

29th June - 25th August 2024

Hybrid Realms

Trixie, Den Haag, NL

November 23rd - 3rd December 2023

Everything is before now is Everything

The Grey Space in the Middle, Den Haag, NL

November 17th- 21st 2022

Best of Graduates 2022

Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, NL

August 8th - 17th September 2022

KABK Graduation show 2022
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag, NL

July 2022

As Is Where Is.

Pre- graduation group exhibition, KABK Fine arts Verheeskade 321, Den Haag, NL
December 10th-12th 2021


Group exhibition WEST, Den Haag, NL

July 1st- 11th 2021

3rd year KABK Fine arts group exhibition

Trixie, Den Haag, NL

31st May- 2nd June 2021

Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Basic year 2017-2018) Group exhibition

Vondelbunker, Vondelpark, Amsterdam, NL

May 2018

Foundation degree show

UAL Foundation Diploma in Art and Design group exhibition Canterbury, UK, June 2017

Awards / Titles

Piket Prize winner 2023

Amarte Fonds 2023

Best Of Graduates 2022